October 18th 12:00pm - 2:00pm ET

The Canadian Legal Innovation Forum is shining a light on family law in Canada.

During our free, virtual event on October 18th, we’ll look at the evolution of family law for lawyers and their clients, as well as growth strategies and innovation in family law firms.

** Post Webinar In Person Mixer**

In association with BridgePoint Financial, we are hosting a complimentary wine tasting and mixer after the virtual event in Toronto on the evening of October 18th (5.30-7.30pm) @ The Wine Academy (67 Richmond St W)

You can register for the networking event on the zoom registration page for the virtual event. Contact andrew@adbinsights.com for more information.

Speakers Include



Evolutions in Canadian family law: key drivers + trends

In 2021, the Divorce Act and the Children’s Law Reform Act were amended to include significant changes to divorce, separation, and parenting to reflect the current societal changes from a traditional nuclear family to more diverse family structures. Family lawyers now handle a wide variety of matters: parenting and decision making, child support (including: special and extraordinary expenses), spousal support, disability benefits, family mediation, alternative dispute resolution (ADR) and real estate.

During this 60-minute session, our panel of family lawyers and their service providers will discuss:

  • What has changed in family law for lawyers and their clients

  • Access to justice and how this is evolving in family law matters

  • Working collaboratively with clients on family law matters


Christine Vanderschoot, Principal, Vanderschoot Family Law

David Morneau, Managing Partner, Musson Morneau LLP

Kavita Bhagat, Certified Family Law Specialist, Family Law Solutions

Steve Benmor, Family Lawyer, Mediator & Arbitrator, Benmor Family Law Group


Innovation and Family Law Firms

To compete in family law, a firm must have a growth strategy covering how to build the team through recruitment, training, and retention; levering technology solutions that work for both clients' and law firm's needs; and employing creative marketing and client development strategies to attract, onboard and retain clients.

During this 60-minute session, our panel will discuss how leading family lawyers and service providers are innovating in the following areas:

  • Best practices for your marketing, client development and retention strategies

  • Developing and implementing tech-forward solutions to better meet clients’ needs, manage internal workflow and reduce cybersecurity risks

  • The evolving role of financial innovation in supporting family law matters


Ainsley Viera, Partner, Jones Divorce Law

Anna Marie Musson, Managing Partner, Musson Morneau LLP

Edward Kirk, Head of North America, Settify

Keri Campion, Legal Risk Analyst, Bridgepoint


Heather Suttie, Legal Market Strategy and Management Consulting, Suttie


Law Society of Ontario:
This program contains 2 hours of Professionalism Content.

Law Society of BC:
This program is accredited for 2 hours of CPD.